

Trailer for sale or rent...

...King of the Road!

This is a brand new Matchbox Hitch N' Haul set aptly named "Vacation Day." It includes the Chevy Silverado and this brand new available no where else camper casting! It also included the elk, and a couple campers (not shown.)

I was very excited to finally find this set at Longs as it was released last year and there are few places locally that carry these sets. The art on the packaging shows a camper being attacked by a herd of elk, and on the back it has a blurb "It's an elk attack!" How cool is that?

I just love these little 1:64 Matchbox campers and wish they would make more. Historically there have been a few, and I probably should just scour eBay until I have them all. Someday I probably will.

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