

Like a Bat Out of Hell

Thanks to Darius Whiteplume of Adventures in Nerdliness, I finally got my hands on a DC Infinite Heroes Batwoman!

I have been wanting this DCIH Batwoman since the day I first heard news of her release, and in all my travels and all my toy aisle wanderings I never saw her once at retail. I hate buying "new" or "hard to find" stuff off eBay, but I came close with this one, especially as the line seems to be either dying out or metamorphosing into something even more wonderful (and probably more expensive too.) Then Darius posts on his blog stating that he saw her at a discount store near him for $1.99! A buck ninety nine?! This is the one DCIH I'd have paid the obnoxious full Walmart price for, and somewhere deep in the heart of the US they're selling for a song! So to make a long story even longer, Darius sent her to me. Yay Darius, thanks again for helping a brother out.

Now back to Batwoman. This is obviously the new Batwoman, Kate Kane. Kate is cavorting around as Batwoman in the pages of Detective Comics right now and is BEAUTIFULLY illustrated by J.H. Williams III.


Seriously, if you aren't throwing your eyes at Detective Comics lately, you are missing out on some sweet visuals. Greg Rucka is writing and the story is good too, so go check it out.

I really like this costume design, black and red look great together, especially on anything Batman related. The costume is also nice and sleek, simple and sharp without too many add-ons that'd detract from the stealthy nature of the bat.

I don't know a lot about Kate besides what has been shown in the last few Detective Comics issues. I didn't jump on any comics back during "52" or "One Year Later After the Knight Falls on the Crisis on Infinite Worlds Turn." I know there was all that lesbian talk before which seems to have run it's gimmicky course so we can enjoy the character as a character no matter what her sexual proclivity is. That said, I like what I see and read and wouldn't mind Kate Kane staying on as a part of the Bat Family for years to come.

Infinite Heroes: 14

Infinite Villains: 9


  1. My favs from this line are Green Arrow and Black Canary, but I like those two in general.

    Glad she turned up okey. You never know when a Bat character will sneak out of a box. I do look like a super-villain. :-)

  2. Somehow her shape and hair remind me of Scarlet witch. Maybe it just me but it is way better than BATGirl! LOL

  3. Great looking action figure and for the price you can't beat it!

    I have not collected toys or comics in years but i still love them i would not mind getting a Blue Beetle(Ted Kord)and Question(Vic Sage)figures if i ever spotted them on the cheap sometime.

  4. I have those two as well Darius - GA hangs out with me on my desk at work!

    I see the similarities too, LEon.

    jboypacman, this line did see a Vic Question (as did JLU ,) and DC Universe Classics has released a Ted Beetle and has a Vic Question in the works for a future release.
