

Happy Harley Qwednesday!

Welcome welcome welcome to another installment of Harley Qwednesday! Y'all want this party started right? Y'all want this party started quickly?

Well okay then.

Not terribly fond of the lack of domino mask on old Harl in this image, and I prefer original trilogy Stormtroopers to these Clone Troopers, but whatevs. From Hot Chicks with Stormtroopers.

There's also a DC Infinite Heroes Harley Quinn prototype that may or may not be coming out soon. Here's the prototype that showed up on eBay a few weeks back:

"Hold me closer, tiny Harley. Count the headlights as you dodge them." Apologies to Elton John.

And this third Harley Quinn comes from yours truly:

From my art blog.

And last but certainly not least, a review (by me!) of the first appearance of Harley Quinn ever in the Batman: The Animated Series episode Joker's Favor, over at Batman: The Animated Toys Blog.

That's all, folks! C U Next...Qwednesday.

Have a happy!