

Harley Qwednesday :: And the Winnah is....

I mentioned the Harley Quinn redesign contest over at Superhero of the Month a while back. Well, the results are in and the winner is...

Brian Gubicza's Harley Quinn!

"I wanted to create a costume that reflected both the sophistication of a doctor, and the off-the-wall nature of a clown; or the feeling of one getting dressed in the dark. I imagine that she would wear tights under her skirt and a pair of boxing boots for quick, lightweight foot work."

Excellent take on old HQ, Brian! And I'm glad you won - I personally voted for you!

It wasn't an easy win either - there were tons of excellent entries. Below are some of my favorites, in no particular order:

by Joker Little

by Caanan Brall

by Catie Hinchey

by Julian GD

by Michelle Sciuto

Excellent work, that's a lot of beautiful Harley Quinns! Be sure to check out Superhero of the Month to see them all and pick your own favorites!

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