

I'll buy that (Batman) for a dollar!

And I'll get a Joker Goon too!

The other day I was at Target and on one of their clearance shelves lay this two pack of 4" The Dark Knight action figures - a lone holdout from the marketing machine of the last Batman movie.

The package was torn halfway open, but the figures were intact and untouched. And because of the packaging damage the set had been clearance priced down to ninety six cents!

At less than fifty cents per figure, I could not pass it up! I'm surprised it sat there in the store for so long, but then again I passed on all these figures when they were new, so I shouldn't be surprised that folks could care less about them even at less than a buck.

The goon's face is pretty accurate to the movie and nice for this scale, but his body sculpt is atrocious. Stiff as a board, he looks like a six and a half foot tall mannequin next to the (presumably) computer-modeled Batman figure.

Batman is wearing the costume as it evolved in The Dark Knight, but this toy version has silver trim and is called 'Thermo-Suit' or something like that (I threw out the packaging right away and now I can't remember exactly.) A good looking figure at this scale and a tolerable variation on the costume. I would never have bought these at more than a buck a figure, but for .96 I can't complain.

On another note, and I am just guesstimating here, but I think this has got to be at least my 112th Batman figure! ;)


  1. You cannot beat sweet figures at a great price like that. Way to go :)

  2. Excellent Deal Bubba congrats. : )

  3. I have a 10 inch scale version of that Dark Knight figure, wich is totaly black. Your should paint over the silver areas. That will make him more authentic. This is an extreamly acurrate figure (the 10 inch) It's supossed to be all black. Mine was 17 bucks after tax. and it has super acurrate detail to the real costume armour drom the movie. It has little articulation (neck, waist, and shoulders that move forward)There was hardly any printed info or text on the box. Your 4 inch looks very much like the larger one. (they should have made it as a 12 inch, then I could display him with my forty or so star wars 12 inch figures. The sculpture is very impressive. nice blogsite you have, have a good day your friend mephistokevin777
