

Arkham Asylum Batmobile

Happy Bat-Day! On this date in 1939, DC Comics introduced Batman to the world in Detective Comics #27!

And as if by fate, I finally located an Arkham Asylum Batmobile by Hot Wheels, based on the Batmobile that appears in the Arkham Asylum video game. The Arkham Asylum Batmobile is a 2011 HW Premiere and is #24/50.

Ironically, I found it at Safeway while grocery shopping and not during an actual toy hunt. I love it when things work out that way!

This is a pretty cool Batmobile design. And a surprising inclusion in the Hot Wheels Batmobile ranks. I would have never expected in a million years that a video game design for the Batmobile would make the Hot Wheels line-up, but I guess it goes to show how integral gaming is in our culture right now.

I remember a scant few years ago when the only 1:64 scale Batmobiles anyone could hope to find were a couple movie based ones and the '66, and even the '66s one would find if they could were decades old. Now we're getting multiple new releases based on relatively new designs within months of each other! Keep it up Mattel - there are still scores of Batmobiles I need in my 1:64 scale collection!


  1. Nice! I might have to get one.

  2. I didn't even know this existed. Time to start searching for it.
    Also, I guess the 1:50 batmobile line is dead, which sucks because I love that scale (I was hoping for a Brave and the Bold version). Anyway, now I need Mattel to release a Batman TAS 1:64 batmobile, and they really need to get the 1943 batmobile out asap.

  3. I agree about the '43, Clark - however Ertl made an excellent 1:64 back when the Animated Series was on air, I recommend you track that one down; if Mattel did an HW version it would surely be inferior to that one.

  4. I got this bad boy on it's way in the mail from an old high school buddy. I can't wait to get it!

    Coincidentally, i also finally found my Hot Wheels BTTF Delorean in a grocery store. Those places must be scalper free for some reason.

  5. Horray! I found this at Target today. I didn't realize that the headlights were painted on incorrectly (slanting down from the center instead of toward the center). So I might be stripping those decals off, haven't made up my mind yet.
    This is not my favorite batmobile design, but it's not bad, and any batmobile that you can get for roughly $1 is worth getting. That's my motto and it's served me well in life up to this point.
