

Back In Blackstar

John Blackstar was an astronaut from Earth, hurtled through time and space to a strange alien destination, forced to wear furry panties and wield a glowing sword.

A fondly remembered player in the sword and sorcery set of the early eighties, Blackstar was actually pre He-Man in origin (from a cartoon perspective) yet arrived post He-Man in plastic form. I had a handful of these guys as a kid, but did not hold on to any of them over the decades. I did come across Tongo at the Flea Market a while ago, but have not been lucky enough to gather together any other Blackstar representatives until now.

Here's the part you all hate me for: I just found Blackstar complete with cape, sword and sheath for a buck at a local thrift store. I swear I have no idea how this shit happens for me. Luck? Persistence? Karma? Rugged good looks? Your guess is as good as mine.

Anyways, I am glad to re-acquire John Blackstar into my collection after so many years. I remember having him as a kid, and thinking of him as a second tier He-Man. But having him now I can say he's a well built and well designed toy, nicer than I remember him being. And he's got a glow in the dark sword! That's just tops!


  1. Bubba you lucky bugger! Blackstarr is something am hoping to run across to add to my collection as well. I remember seeing these figures for sale as a kid at all places a mom and pop grocery in the town i grew up in. It's amazing how i can still remember that lol. Congrats on the awesome find.

  2. Luck? Persistence? Karma? Rugged good looks? Perhaps all, yet it never ceases to amaze me- damn! NICE find- he looks clean as a bean, too. i totally missed these as a kid
