

Playmobile :: Under the Red Hood

Playmobil has gotten in on the act that Lego is making famous by releasing 'Playmobil Fi?ures' (that's how it is spelled on the package) or probably more accurately just plain 'Playmobile Figures.' A local educational toy store just received Series 1, and after looking at all the figures available I just HAD to squeeze and prod the packaging to find:

Aw yeah Plamobil Executioner! How wonderfully morbid is this guy? And of course it would take little to customize this dude into a Mad Monk or a Red Hood or something like that. But in the meantime I think I'll build a gallows or a torture chamber out of Legos for this guy to hang out, I mean 'perfect his craft' in!

Here's a look at all the dudes in Series 1, and I mean that literally...

You see, Playmobil has separated all males and females into their own distinct packages. I'm not usually one for gender role separation when it comes to toys, but for any parent of a boy who has ended up with a Lego ice skater figure or parent of a girl who you would love to finally find that Lego ice skating figure but keep ending up with the viking...well at least this way you have a better chance of making your kid happy. And if your son is okay with a mermaid or your daughter is fine with Zorro, you can just ignore the gender-cliche pink and blue and go for whatever you want!

EDIT: I should add too that these figures come (surprisingly) un-assembled, making figure determination via the squeeze method that much more difficult.


  1. Awesome! And i want that Skeleton looking guy. : )

  2. those are GREAT! i think Rustin over at OAFE.Net collects PlaMobil pretty seriously

  3. Cool! this should get me collecting. How much is one blind pack?

  4. LEon, they were $2.99 where I bought them - the same price that store charges for their Lego mini-figures. So I imagine they will cost as much as a Lego mini-figure at most places.

  5. Aw man, now I'm gonna have to hunt down a #8.

  6. Sweet find! I want the rock star for the guitar.

  7. The warrior with the bat wings is too good. I bet you can easily turn him into a Batman of sorts.

  8. Tom, I was thinking between those wings and Zorro's head one could make a pretty good Thomas Wayne/Black Glove custom!
