

'Z' Marks the Spot

The other day I returned to the local educational toy store to squeeze at their Playmobil Fi?ures Series 1 blind bagged figures in order to obtain Zorro! How cool is he?!?! So cool, he even comes with spurs!

Although I am not a Playmobil collector (or at least I wasn't until now, apparently,) Zorro was my second 'must have' right after I discovered the existence of these figures and obtained The Executioner. Fortunately the store still had plenty of the blind bags left to squeeze upon my return, and I was easily able to ascertain which one contained Zorro by feeling for his hat and sword.

I still remember my first ever Playmobil figure. I was in Kindergarten at the time. My mom had signed up for some sort of mail-away promotion, and after a while in the mail arrived a plain white box. Inside was a Playmobil figure in white 'clothes' with a bunch of random accessories (not sure of all of them, but I remember a rake and maybe a shovel.) A pretty simple toy, but perfectly suited for my young imagination which could turn any toy into anything I wanted it to be. To this day Playmobil defines imaginative play for that very reason, and I am really enjoying these new 'Fi?ures.'

Still not sure if there's any sort of decipherable code for these guys, but the black printed numbers on the back of Zorro are as follows:

14811 0506 002167 5203 01

Which gives us the following codes so far:
Blue Bag:
Executioner: 14611 0784 008357 5203 01
Sue Sylvester Award Winner: 15111 0506 000206 5203 01
Zorro: 14811 0506 002167 5203 01

Pink Bag:
Highwaywoman: 15311 0784 000845 5201 01

Good luck!


  1. Cool figure. It's odd to see Playmobil after not paying much attention to them for so many years - nay - decades...!

  2. Awesome Bubba! I might need you to find me #9 on that list you showed about these before the Skeleton looking guy. : )

  3. he is Excellent! i need to keep an eye peeled for an artist PlayMobil...

  4. Lucky you. Thanks for sharing the tip!
