

My few of DCnU's 'New 52' Review

The internet is full-to-bursting with talk of DC Comics' New 52. There has been a lot of talk about this and that and what makes fans happy or more often disgruntled. Which is good. And the experiment seems to be a success, with sales records being set with each new release. There has been some outrage as well. I admit, my handful of choices had already been pretty well pre-filtered before anything was released, and therefore complaints about certain titles (the art of Leifeld on Hawk and Dove, the softcore porn of Catwoman and the misogyny of Red Hood and the Outlaws for example) do not affect me because I was clearly not the target for those comics, having decided long before they were published that I wasn't on board with them.

Now that I have read all the titles I had held for me at my local comic shop, here is what I dipped into, and some thoughts about what I got out of each title.

Action Comics #1:
Why did I want to read it?
Because it's written by Grant Morrison first and foremost, and because it appears to be taking Superman back to his 'champion of the oppressed' roots.

Does it succeed?
Beautifully. Great art, great Superman, Great Clark Kent. I like that Clark is young, he's got a crap apartment, he's working freelance etc. My daughter even looked over my shoulder at one point while I was reading it and asked 'Is that Peter Parker?' which is a compliment when you are trying to take a young Clark back to basics.

Favorite Moment:
Superman is jumping and not flying. He bleeds. His powers are still developing/he's not at 'full strength.'

Will I keep buying and reading?

Most curious about...
A phone booth. Will he change in a phone booth, at least once? I hope so.

Wonder Woman #1:
Why did I want to read it? 
Because Wonder Woman deserves a good comic and I deserve to to read a good Wonder Woman comic. I am willing to give this title a shot in hopes that DC can deliver.

Does it succeed? 
In spades. I really love the art in this one, and the story is well written and suspenseful. It's the comic book Wonder Woman deserves. She's majestic, beautiful, strong, smart, everything she should be. I loved this one!

Favorite Moment:
Wonder Woman coming up off the ground by gripping a Centaur with her legs and then flipping up into a head-butt.

Will I keep buying and reading?
Hell yes!

Most curious about...
Zeus as Jesus-like man-God. That should be fun.

Suicide Squad #1:
Why did I want to read it? 
Because the team includes Harley Quinn.

Does it deliver the goods?
Surprisingly so. I didn't think I'd like this one, and only got it as Harley Qwednesday fodder. But surprisingly I really liked issue one and I enjoyed Harley Quinn's characterization. Her costume is a huge departure from her iconic look but a) I don't hate it and b) her iconic look would NOT work in this storyline. It's just too...cartoony (which isn't a bad thing, but counter to the themes represented in this comic.) The art is really good and the story is exciting with a little twist at the end as the action amps up for issue two! I won't let this Harley Quinn look replace her iconic look as THE Harley Quinn in my mind, but I'll get over it for this comic and enjoy it all for what it is.

Favorite Moment: 
Harley Quinn: "...I've seen scary, and you ain't got his smile."

Will I keep buying and reading?
Yes. This one ends with a bang and a promise of a very exciting issue #2. I'll tread with caution, but I do look forward to more of this title.
Most curious about...
Sportsmaster. Was he a 'plant?' I think so.

Detective Comics #1:
Why did I want to read it? 
Because I need a Batman title in my life at all times, and since Batman began his life in Detective Comics it is only fitting I choose this title to stay on board with.

Does it deliver the goods?

Favorite Moment:

The last two pages. Holy heck I didn't see THAT coming!

Will I keep buying and reading?
Yes siree.

Most curious about...
What's gonna happen next!

Batgirl #1:
Why did I want to read it? 
Because it is Barbara Gordon as Batgirl again.

Does it deliver the goods? Other than reminding us on (too) many occasions that yes, Babs did get shot by the Joker and was crippled for a time (but no, she never became Oracle) I do enjoy the fact that she is now healed physically but still has many emotional scars and the dynamics those bring to her character.

Favorite Moment: 
Any moment between Barbara and Jim Gordon. I can't help it, it's the dad in me.

Will I keep buying and reading?
Yes. I have high hopes for this title.

Most curious about...
Conflict/confusion between Batgirl and Batwoman and the dynamics of both existing in the same Batverse.

Supergirl #1:
Why did I want to read it? 
 Because my daughter told me to get it.

Does it deliver the goods?
It's a good first issue. The art is great, and it takes a small new spin on Kara's arrival on Earth that we've all seen about a thousand times. It's a fun title, Kara is strong in mind and body, and it isn't too graphic or sexed up for my daughter to read. It's a Supergirl comic, plain and simple.

Favorite Moment:

Kara's super-hearing kicks in, and she hears 'lines' from other comics/superheroes across the globe.

Will I keep buying and reading? 
Yes. For my daughter. honest ;)

Most curious about...
More character development and how it will be handled. This issue was just a 'hit the Earth and smash things' issue. 

Swamp Thing #1:
Why did I want to read it?
Because I like Swamp Thing.

Does it deliver the goods?
It feels like it is getting there. It delivers Alec Holland, and that's cool. Alec mentions Abby. I feel like this is less of a reboot and more a continuation of the Swamp Thing I remember. Anyways, I'd rather have too much story than too little, and unlike Justice League, this one has more to say than it can fit in one issue and isn't just padding the pages with big punches.

Favorite Moment:

Holland talking about how vicious plantlife really is.

Will I keep buying and reading?

Most curious about...
Superman mentions 'coming back.' Did Superman die in the DCnU? Is the whole 'Death of Superman' bit still part of his history? I doubt it will be touched on in this comic, but it is an interesting thing to bring up after the whole reboot thing.

Batwoman #1:
Why did I want to read it?
Because J.H. Williams III delivered some of the most beautiful comic book pages of all time with his Batwoman run in Detective Comics.

Does it deliver the goods?
It's like the Detective run never ended. That's a damn good thing.

Favorite Moment:

The whole damn thing.

Will I keep buying and reading?

Most curious about...
Will the recent repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' be addressed in regards to Kate's military career? When the character of Batwoman was created and her history expanded upon, that policy was in place and had an effect on her and who she is now. It's gone now, and as comics time stays relatively stagnant yet real time marches on away from DADT, will it remain relevant, or even a part of the character's history? Interesting to think about.

 Justice League #1:
Why did I want to read it? 
Because it's 'Where it all begins.' I figured it wouldn't hurt to be in on the ground floor like all the other lemmings.

Does it deliver the goods? It was well drawn with a great bunch of action, but a little too thin storywise to hold my interest.

Favorite Moment: Batman taking GL's ring.

Will I keep buying and reading?
No. And I admit, this one was an impulse buy. It's good, don't get me wrong, it's just not what I look for in my comic books lately.

Most curious about...
Will this just be a big blockbuster bang-up title, or will it carry story weight in the new DCnU?

Justice League Dark #1:
Oops, I forgot this is on my pull list and doesn't come out until this week. Guess I'll have to do a follow up for that one!

In conclusion, I am very excited about the DCnU and really enjoyed the titles I sought out. I look forward to following them all into the future to see what is in store, and to find out what's up with that hooded girl who shows up in every title (except...I can't for the life of me find her in Wonder Woman. Is she there? If not, why not?)


  1. These all look to be interesting reads but am still not sold on this reboot deal but i guess we will see how it all works out.

  2. The hooded woman is in Wonder Woman, look in the panel before Wonder Woman headbutts the centaur, hiding in the trees. ;)

  3. Thanks Tom - I'll go look for her again - she's well hidden in that issue!
