

Another two for my few DCnU's 'New 52' Review

As I stated in my first round of DC's New 52 reviews, there was one final #1 that I had yet to purchase and read - Justice League Dark. While buying it I bought another #1, so sans further ado here are my thoughts:

Justice League Dark:  
Why did I want to read it?
Because it sounds like a neat team/theme - magic, the occult etc - And Zatanna.

Does it succeed?
I liked it a lot. Nice mysterious beginning, crazy magic madness, and an off-the-wall group of 'superheroes' to follow along with.

Favorite Moment:
Zatanna binding Batman so she can go it alone.

Will I keep buying and reading?

Most curious about...
Shade the Changing Man. I read some of the nineties 'Shade' series but have little knowledge of this guy, so it's neat to meet someone 'new' to me in a DC comic.

Bonus: Read Siskoid's Blog of Geekery's post about the imagery of the Tarot in Justice League Dark. He gives some neat insight on the cards used by Madam Xanadu and the characters represented on each of them.

Birds of Prey: 
Why did I want to read it?
I didn't. But I took my daughter with me to the comicbook store and she handed it to me as I was heading to the register.

Does it succeed?
It was good. The art is great. Black Canary's costume is updated nicely from her classic look. And it wasn't too oversexed or violent for my daughter, so that's cool.

Favorite Moment:
The forties era car they drive through a church made me feel like I was watching an episode of Batman: Animated. That's always nice.

Will I keep buying and reading?
Maybe, especially if my daughter asks me to.

Most curious about...
Well, my daughter is most curious about Poison Ivy being a part of this team (is that Ivy on the cover? She doesn't appear in the first issue) so I guess there's that.

And that covers my New 52 reviews. Maybe I'll keep on going with this theme and report on my thoughts as each series progresses... and maybe not. I'm fickle.

Until next time - see you in the funny papers!


  1. Cool! Was buying some old X-Men again today- DAMN near picked up that JL Dark!

  2. Pleased to read the BoP review. I had wanted to get Catwoman for my daughter, but the online reviews REALLY scared me away.

    I have held some of the preboot BoP and Zatanna for her....doling them out slowly once I knew the reboot was coming...
