


This is my favorite gift this year:

I received this Superman Monster Truck from my daughter for Christmas. It's large and imposing, and it'll stomp over anything that gets in it's way (as long as whatever is in the way isn't holding Kryptonite!)

This truck is awesome of course, but it is extra special because of the thought behind it. My daughter is only nine, and doesn't live with me full time, so I don't expect her to go out of her way for me for the holidays. But she remembered a trip we took to Toys R Us a few months back, where I was trying to get ideas for her Christmas gifts...I kept asking her what she liked and what she wanted etc. We walked past a remote control Batmobile which I thought was pretty neat. She finally asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I said 'that Batmobile was pretty cool, maybe I'll ask Grandma and Grandpa for it.'

When she handed me this gift she said 'I looked for the Batmobile but couldn't find it, so I got you this.'

The fact that she remembered what I said I wanted and later went out looking for it fills me with more joy than any Batmobile ever could (even the real one!) and proves the old addage 'it's the thought that counts.'

I brought my Superman Monster Truck to work so I can look at it all day and remember how thoughtful and sweet my kid is.


  1. I just love this! It even as a cape! Too cool and the best part is it is from your daughter. : )

  2. Awww! what a sweet kid! That truck ROCKS!
