

Poisunday Ivy :: Lego Comic book Poison Ivy

The Lego version of Poison Ivy appears in this comic book insert appearing in the most recent issue of Lego Club Magazine, as a member of the new Injustice Gang!

The comic has a neat centerfold with stats on many of the new Lego Superhero characters. Although generally speaking, when I think 'Centerfold' and 'Poison Ivy' I'm not also thinking 'Lego.'

Drat, thwarted once again by that damnable weed killer...or was she? I'm not giving away the ending!

Ironically Poison Ivy doesn't appear on the cover, but Harley Quinn does (who herself is nowhere to be seen on the pages within.) However the comic ends with a cliffhanger, so we can probably safely assume Miss Quinn appears in the next issue.

1 comment:

  1. Poor poison Ivy doesn't have a key chain like the other lego batman characters :( It makes me very sad...
