

My heart is on fire, Vampire!

One of the two female Playmobil Series 2 Fi?ures 'must-haves' for me was this Vampiress. This figure, like the Executioner in Series 1, just seems morbidly inappropriate for a young kids' toy line (I think of Playmobil as appealing to the under 10 set.) Making it something I just had to own.

Sure, a vampire may not immediately be considered as inappropriate, considering the proliferation of vampires in today's culture.

But one that comes with a glass of blood as an accessory?!?! Yeah, that's the kind of line crossing I have come to love from Playmobil.

One more thing separates this Playmobil figure from many of the others. Her face has much more detail than your standard Playmobil face. But wait...'s reversible, much like many recent Lego minifigure offerings! Which also means you can play out the age old scenario "Wealthy Countess invites you over for dinner, when suddenly you realize that the 'catch of the day' on the menu..."

"...IS YOU!"

Vampiress Code:
02612  9921
5158  01


  1. I wanted to have this but I couldn't get this for my first try. sigh...

    1. It takes a while to squeeze and it gets a little frustrating - and some of them are downright impossible to interpret! Good luck next time!

  2. She's on the list after the Darth Vader knock-off.

  3. Oh NiCE!!
    I may have to start picking these up as well!!!

  4. My wife and I picked up a few blind-bagged figures 3 weeks ago and forgot about them. After reading your review, we pulled out them out in the off chance we might have gotten this figure.

    Yup. First try.

  5. The Vampiress is extremely COOL!! If I see her around here I will buy her for sure! She can eat the hearts and drink the blood of my little Playmobil children :D

    1. That is so wrong and so right all at the same time!

  6. I like to use her vampire face all the time and spin her head around 360 degrees...
    She doesn't NEED eyes in the back of her head!
    I would use the Egyptian Woman's hair (also used on the female vampire in the duo pack), because the hair she has doesn't appeal to me. I don't have the hairpiece I need yet, though. I immediately identified her by her glass of surprisingly orange blood. The hairpiece was too difficult to feel, and I went through quite a few packets to find her.

  7. I just forgot to mention why I don't use the alternate, human, face. Because it has no eyelashes, it looks like the standard male face on this figure. Considering her higher-class appearance, eyelashes would really improve the alternate face. Something about the hair or something makes the lack of eyelashes look like the guy face. Some females don't use the eyelashes and look fine, but this one would benefit from it.

    1. The 'normal' face is way too plain, that's for sure!
