

Captain Action plays Captain America dress-up. Frilly underpants sold seperately.

I know many Toyriffic readers are rabid dolly lovers (like Reis and Jboy and Colin and even the M.I.A. Chunky B who was probably buried under a Barbie Corvette avalanche.)

Let's face it, if these gentlemen lived in the same state they'd have tea parties and play dress-up and do each others' hair...I mean each others' dollies hair...and the like. And we all know Reis' Conan dolly could use some work on its hair!

So as a service to these fine feminine fellows I make this report:

I was at my local Toys R Us today buying manly toys like the Hotwheels K.I.T.T. when, as I glanced at manly action figures (this thing must have been mis-shelved - I wasn't in the Barbie aisle!) I stumbled upon the new Captain Action along with his Captain America dress-up kit.

Don't trip over the hem of your dresses running out to Toys R Us to get yours, guys, and be sure to change out of those heels before you go; on my way out I passed a gaggle of fourth grade girls heading in, so you've got some competition!


  1. Ha Ha :D I wasn't crazy about the slip-over costumed heads, an the $30+ tag for 2 extra costumes seems a little much! Does Barbie pay that much for HER wardrobe sets?? Will have to ask CB when he comes up for air :D

    1. Haha some mysteries only CB knows the answer to! Oh, well I suppose Reis might know too ;)

      I admit, I like the concept of the faces as masks (that's Captain Action's schtick, right? He's wearing a rubber mask like he's in Mission Impossible or something?)

  2. I saw these the other day on my weekly "SLUG Zombies" check at our TRU along with the Spider-Man set(Which is just awesome!) but man am on such a budget and these are so pricey i had to pass on them....for now.

  3. You know you want this, Bubba. You're protesting a bit too much. ;)

    1. Only if Captain Action came with a Harley Quinn outfit.

    2. I think he prefers the title 'Lord of the Dork Horde' now...oh wait, you were talking about Captain Action, weren't you?

