

Harley Qwednesday :: Playmobil Arkham City Harley Quinn

Arkham City Harley Quinn: Playmobil style! Custom by BubbaShelby:

Part of the play/fun value of the current Playmobil Fi?ures series is that, unlike your standard Playmobil 'klicky,' the 'Fi?ures' are designed be taken apart and mixed and matched together to create your own custom character.

An odd angle to take from Playmobil, who were never in the 'building toy' market before. But a neat concept and probably fun for kids. Also: a pain in the butt to those of us squeezing the packages to determine their contents!

At first I didn't care about or for the custom angle; the figures I wanted I wanted complete.

I wanted Zorro, not Zorro in a dress.

But now we're two series into 'Fi?ures' and I got to thinking: could I make a Playmobil Harley Quinn?

I think those things.

I figured, maybe I could do so if I can find other sets and use pieces with some of the Fi?ures out now...and I better not delay because once we get further into the series' run much needed parts may be long gone or hard to find!

Also, if I start now, in the future when a 'perfect' piece pops up in a set (ex: jester headgear) I can add/modify instead of starting from scratch.

I began looking at what was available now and in my mind's eye I formed a plan. A standard Harley is out of the question without major customization, and I'm not in the mood for that right now. Plus, I like keeping things like this 'simple.' Even YOU can do it!

I realized that with just two or three Fi?ures from Series 2 and/or (if I was lucky enough to find it still in stores) one from Series 1, I could make an Arkham City Harley Quinn! If the Series 1 figure I needed was unavailable, a third Series 2 figure would have to round out my custom.

I returned to the toy store where I found Series 2 last week and as luck would have it (although it took some time!) I was able to find all the figures I wanted, even the Series 1 figure (which was one of only three Series 1 girl figures left in the store!)

And now I am the proud (and probably only) owner of an Arkham City Harley Quinn Playmobil figure!

I may someday add a domino mask, or maybe smudged black eyeshadow, or red and black tips to the ponytails, but for now she's a simple parts-mix-custom that anyone can make using only three figures with the following recipe:

Arkham City Harley Quinn Playmobil 'klicky' recipe:
Series 1 Rocker Girl arms and pants.
Series 2 Geisha head.
Series 2 Gretel hair, torso and flowers (don't build all the flowers, leave a few off off for some broken stems.)
Optional: Series 2 Lara Croft handgun (only borrowed for now until I can find a more appropriate weapon, like a baseball bat or a bazooka or something less subtle than a simple handgun. Use your imagination and parts you already may have, Playmobil has tons of weapons available!)

The third Series 2 Fi?ure I purchased for parts was the cheerleader (because of her red arms) but the tattooed arms of the Rocker Girl were just too perfect for the Arkham City look, so I scrapped that idea. Also, while I had planned on maybe using her skirt, I discovered that the cheerleader has different torso/leg construction than most of the other Fi?ures, so she can't be mixed-and-matched in the same way.  But I'm sure the parts will come in handy in future series for future Playmobil Harley customs!

Anyways, as consolation and to validate the purchase, here's a picture of Cheerleader Harley:

I'll also be on the lookout for Playmobil nurse paraphernalia from now on for an Arkham Asylum Nurse Harley version!

Have fun!