

Poisunday Ivy :: Arkham City Poison Ivy

I'm still playing Arkham City; I finished it once and am now playing the 'plus' version through again. Still trying to get the last handful of Riddler trophies, and enjoying the story a little more now that I can pay closer attention to it (first time through I was spending too much time in awe and wonderment to catch everything!)

I like the Poison Ivy level with Catwoman, but am not a huge fan of Pamela's character design. Walking around pantless seems silly, and her hair flowing like there's a breeze (where there isn't) is a bit awkward.

I like the design by Carlos D'Anda above with the panties. At least she's not completely exposed. Sometimes less is more.

1 comment:

  1. This design looks ok i guess on Ivy but i think i perfer her other look over this one.
