

Random Toy Pic :: Can he really do worse than THIS?!?!

Listen, I love the Ninja Turtles (and Transformers for that matter) as much, if not more, than the next geek. And I am not a huge fan of Michael Bay by any stretch (I never even bothered to see 'Dork of the Moon' and have no intentions to do so ever.)

But seriously, can he really do any worse with the TMNT than has already been done? Case in point...THIS:

Oh, and in my defense, I got this fellow for free. So I can still sleep at night. That is, if Troll doll Raphael doesn't come to life and KILL ME!

He does have two sweet bent-up sai like the one that came with Slash, so there is that.


  1. Troll-Dollie? I knew you secretly loved the dolls! lol. : D

  2. Oops I meant to say 'Troll ACTION FIGURE!'

    See, his pants are not removable...umm, he actually has no pants...but he has awesome weapons of mass destruction!

    1. Too late....Dollie Lover! See you at the next tea party lol.

    2. I will be sure to put a bow in Raph's hair for the occasion!

  3. it's funny....I was just for shits and giggles looking up the history of troll dolls the other day. They seem to have a resurgence every so often since the 60s. I wouldn't be surprised if they start trickling back into the market in the next few years to try and grab some nostalgia
    Oh...nice "Doll" by the way.. ^_^

    1. Just don't tell Reis - next thing you know he'll be inviting me over to 'play dress-up' ifyaknowwhatimean!

  4. I myself am the proud owner of a Raphael troll. I have no regrets!!
