

Harley Qwednesday :: Nothing I say will prepare you for the awesomeness of the following pictures

Harley Quinn ala Bettie Page Pin-Up style in lingerie...and in the Barris '66 Batmobile! 
Speechless. Therefore, a quote from Vancouver Sun:

Jacqueline Breakwell, 24 from Surrey aka "Harley-quinn," the Joker's girlfriend, tries out the Batmobile. Comic book heroes and fans gathered together for a two-day event the FanExpo at the Vancouver Convention Centre in Vancouver on Saturday. 

And some words from Jacqueline herself:

I grew up watching B:TAS with my brother, as well as the Tim Burton originals and that's where my love of Batman and The Joker started. Obviously what followed is my love of the amazing Harley Quinn!

The outfit I made started as a photoshoot I was doing as a gift for my man for x-mas. During the shoot, Shimona Henry (the photographer -Pin Up Perfection) and I decided that I had to make it into a Burlesque number.

I am a trained musical theatre performer, who does Burlesque as well under the name "Miss Kiss". The costume has changed a bit since the first shoot, as I have continued to do the number, which is the one you see in the photos from FanExpo. The number is about Harley getting psyched up to go out on the town and cause a ruckus! So it has me getting into the costume, and ending with smashing a Batman head filled with candy! Yum! Harley is such a fun character to get lost in! She is badass with a great sense of humour, a little twisted and super sexy.

Getting to sit in the original Batmobile dressed as Harley was so flippin' awesome! I hope it comes back next year and that the FanExpo gets bigger and better!

More also pics...can't fail...mind broken...

...Harley Quinn...Bette Paige...Batmobile...too...much... brain...before...brain damage...?





EDITOR'S NOTE: Shortly after this post was written BubbaShelby was discovered unconscious and unresponsive, eyes wide and dilated, staring catatonically into his monitor. He was rushed to the emergency room and later to Stanford Medical Center, where a team of specialists have gathered in the hopes of removing what can only be defined as a 'permagrin,' and to hopefully stem the super human amount of drool before Bubba completely dehydrates.

And maybe, if medical science has advanced far enough, Doctors will also be able to once again allow Mr. BubbaShelby to blink.

In lieu of flowers, BubbaShelby would probably prefer poster sized prints of the above images lining his hospital room, but the Doctors are just gonna poo-poo that idea.

First two photos by Les Bazso, PNG, courtesy the Vancouver Sun:

'Pin-Up Perfection' pics by Shimona Henry

And the rest courtesy the model herself; Jacqueline Breakwell aka Miss Kiss via Facebook


  1. Haha, I had teas in my eye by the end of the post...awesome Qwedsnesday, dude!

    Hope Bubbashelby beeling buch better now...

  2. There will never be a Qwendsday as awesome as this ever!

    At least not till next week. ;)

  3. Oh man this has it all.....Sexy Girl....Check!.....66'Batmobile....Check!....Me passing out in lust.....Double Check!
