

Random toy pic :: Feelin' hot hot hot!

'It's gettin' hot in here, so take off all your helmets!'

More fun with Lego minifigures.

The sweaty head from the man in the gorilla suit (Series 3) is so versatile! To pose with the helmet 'up,' I merely added a few single circle shaped pieces on the top of his head until the helmet was just the right height!

Also of note, the Stormtrooper helmets are different. Sweaty head guy probably has an older model.


  1. Great shot! I have a ton of the collectible minifigs lying around, I need to get creative like this and take some photos!

  2. Love Sweatey Guy's face! Maybe the cooling system of his Storm Trooper suit doesn't work, or his old model suit was made without a cooling system :(
