

Kenner Super Powers Batmobile

The Batmobile from the Kenner Super Powers toyline of 1984 has eluded me for years.

Well, to be fair, a cheap one in good condition has eluded me for years.

But no more!

Last weekend I hit the flea market and found this beauty for eight bucks!

It was covered in (almost) literally an inch of dust. Which was a good sign: it had been shelved (not played with) for years and I surmised that if the seller was too lazy to clean it, he would take less than his asking price.

'How much?' I asked. The seller wanted ten. I offered him five. He came back with eight and wouldn't budge. I tried to look at it through the dust, and could tell it was complete and pretty damn 'clean' (you know, except for the freakin' dust!) So I took it.

I cleaned it off immediately once arriving home (now I know how Alfred feels.) I missed a scallop or two (or twenty) so I need to go over it again, but it's probably cleaner than it's been since 1986 or so. Seriously, whomever owned this couldn't have possibly ever have dusted it. Not once. I really should have taken a 'before' picture. Oh well.

Somewhere out there Jason Todd is drooling right now.

Cleaning an old toy can be tricky when decals are involved, so I went light on the interior. But the decals are all here and all complete, so that's just awesome.

Everything works too:

Battering Ram, headlights, criminal catcher. Check, check, check.

No broken levers in the cockpit. No broken anything! Woowoo!



Whatta toy!


  1. OMG! Now THAT is a treasure ya got there, Boy!

  2. GREAT find :) I have one and I know how it feels! Even BETTER when you got it at that price and find everything is COMPLETE. Thanks for sharing

    1. This find was definitely a highlight of my recent collecting career!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks man, that means a lot, since I know how jelly you are ;)

  4. very cool , I wanted this for Christmas in the 80's but I got the justice jogger instead.

    1. The Justice Jogger is probably even harder to come by these days - do you still have it?

    2. I do still have it but it is in deplorable condition ,the yellow cockpit cover was modified to be used as a replacement part for a GI Joe vehicle and the tip of one of the feet was burned in an unfortunate barbecue grill insentient.

    3. Haha well those memories are pretty valuable too!

  5. What a awesome score Eric and now we need to get some Super Powers Batman and Robin figures in that beauty!

    1. It's true - I have the Toy Biz Robin remake that was released in the nineties but do not have a Super Powers Batman...yet!

  6. Forget Jason Todd. I am drooling over this. Awesome find. If only the force was as strong with me with finding one.

  7. That's very cool. I always wanted a Batmobile of any kind as a kid and never had one, and now I have this urge to start collecting them. I'd love to find this one somewhere.

  8. Wow 8 bucks! Amazing score you got there. I still need to get one of these!

  9. I got one in mint condition along with an in boxed mint condition animated ultimate batman that was in a box full of other vintage mint condition toys for only 10 bucks! The guy told me he was moving out and said it was all up in his closet and wanted it gone. So it was a score for me to get all this stuff in my collection.

  10. i just bought one now im looking for parts for it. it needs a,new steering wheel and to front wind shields

  11. The best of all the toy Batmobiles, I must say.
