

Harley Qwednesday :: Steampunk Harley Cosplay

I just LOVE seeing original takes on Harley Quinn and Kitty Krell aka (XJonetsuX on DeviantArt) has created a wonderful and stunning 'Steampunk Harley Quinn' costume (inspired by this piece of art here) that just knocks my socks right the hell off!

Kitty says "The costume is made almost entirely of scraps and pieces of fabric and leather I've been collecting over the years. The corset is leather and coutil, and the headpiece has a toooon of handstitching through the leather. I made the patterns for everything myself, and I still have some work to do on the arms and legs before I really consider it done."

Wow. If that's not 'done' I simply cannot imagine how amazing the finished costume will be! I better buy more socks.

In addition to this Steampunk Harley cosplay, Kitty has been Harley Quinn proper:

And 'Masquerade Harley Quinn:'

Complete with extraordinary cleavage! 'Bud' and 'Lou,' maybe? Hahahaha!

As well as a 'Nolanverse Harley Quinn:'

In addition to honoring Harley Quinn with so much awesomeness, Kitty also does costuming for a living (it shows!!!) and specializes in corsets.

Thanks Kitty for taking time to talk with us and allowing us to show off your extraordinary work!

You can see more of Kitty and her work on deviantArt
and Facebook
and also follow Kitty's business Crimson Rose Couture on Facebook.


  1. Very awesome! I love Steampunk supers and steampunk Harley is even better!

  2. I love the steampunk take! I think somebody need to slip some of these photos to the creative team at DC.

  3. A wonderful take on this character by a lovely gal.
