

Rose Art Color Blanks Ghost :: Countdown to Halloween 2012

Target has three new Halloween themed Rose Art Color Blank vinyl figures in their Halloween section this year. A Ghost, a Frankenstein's Monster and a Pumpkinhead (what, no Bat?!?!)

These things are great, I got my daughter a few last Halloween and Christmas. This year I picked up the Ghost to give her on Halloween:

If she asks me to decorate it, I'm going to make him into a Pac-Man ghost! Or I might try to get back to Target and grab myself one.I doubt they'll last long enough to be part of the after Halloween clearance, so if I were you I wouldn't wait!

The figures come with markers and stickers and retails for $3.99 if I remember correctly.

These are a lot of fun, I recommend them highly!

All treat: no tricks!


  1. Michael's has blank figures as well. I stumbled on one yesterday but couldn't find where it came from in the store. I only wish I had the talent to do these up and have them look decent lol

    1. I don't have a local Michaels, but they had a neat Bat shape last year that I was unable to procure. Is he available this year too?

    2. The only bat figure I've seen is the one I bought from an artist last year. It's in the header on my blog. Rose Art also has a larger light-up Frankenstein figure I saw in Target, it's pretty cool.

  2. Cool to see a ghost added to the line-up. I like that it's not as specific in shape as say Franky, so you could do a lot more with him...

    1. Yeah I think the ghost is full of win and possibilities! Like a Charlie Brown ghost costume with a ton of 'holes.'

  3. Color Blanks provide a great canvas for creating custom figures! I create custom blanks for RoseArt. If you get a chance come by my site to see some the new Halloween ones I created.

    1. Very cool! thanks for stopping by! I'll check out your site soon.

  4. Finally found your site thanks to the Countdown!

    Having trouble finding these AGAIN this season. Great to see the ghost form, though.
    Will keep looking...

    1. Welcome, glad you found us! Now I hope you can find some of these blanks!
