

That Darn SWAT Kat

As promised, here's a closer look at my one and only SWAT Kat: Razor!

I know nothing about this guy. Off to Wikipedia!: "Jake Clawson (alias: Razor) (voiced by Barry Gordon) - The smaller member of the SWAT Kats, who is a mechanical genius. He designed the various gadgets and advanced weaponry used in the Turbokat, and he serves as the radar interceptor and weapons control officer, or RIO, in the Turbokat. He is a martial arts master. He is the more measured, and restrained, of the two kats. In "Razor's Edge" he lost his self-confidence in his fighting because he had "hurt" two pedestrians, but recovered from this upon discovering it was a set-up by Dark Kat. He loved the late night show with David Litterbin (a pun on David Letterman). His catchphrase is "Bingo!"

In fact, I know nothing about SWAT Kats in general. I don't think I've ever seen an episode. I had never seen an action figure either before spotting this guy stranding all alone at the Flea Market, although I immediately recognized him as a SWAT Kat. Because my cartoon and toy knowledge transcends mere human awareness.

I was walking past a Flea Market 'stall;' which was just another couple and their stuff, and saw this guy standing on a table near the back. Which was sort of surprising as there weren't any toys otherwise. I stepped in, picked him up and asked how much - the lady said 'fifty cents.' I got change from my dollar and moved on surprised to finally have seen (and now to own) an actual SWAT Kat.

Razor is minty fresh and while he hasn't any weapons or accessories, I had to have him for the novelty of a toy/character I had never seen before and the whopping fifty cent asking price!

He's also is surprisingly well built. Made by Remco in 1994 (which amazes me, as I had no idea Remco was still making action figures in 1994!) the paint apps are a bit limited but the sculpt is detailed, the figure is a nice heavy solid plastic and he even has metal pegs holding his elbow and knee joints together!

Basically a TMNT inspired 'also-ran,' SWAT Kats may be fondly remembered by some but they went completely under my radar when they were released as both toy and toon in the early nineties.

There were only four toys released: Razor, T-Bone, Dr. Viper and Dark Kat. A complete Razor would have included a crossbow type weapon, but with those teeth and claws, I'm pretty sure he can handle any threat without it! MEOW!


  1. I loved the Swat Kats cartoon, but I didn't know there were every any figures produced. I would have been all over these, and this looks like a very cool and well-made toy.

    1. It is! And I'll have to track down an episode or two and see how it was, having never seen one myself.

  2. I saw a few episodes of the cartoon and it was very well done i thought sort of Airwolf mets TMNT in a way. I like the looks of this figure and it's Remco to boot so it's a win in my book. : )

    1. It's true - fidnign out he was made by Remco made him ten times as cool!

  3. Oh My Gosh! I remember these, very awesome!!!
