

Be mine, Kreon-tine

The Transformers Kreon blind bag microchanger minifigures are back!

We first saw these blind bagged Transformers Kreons last year in the preview series, and  now the first official full series, known as Collection 1, is showing up at retail.

I found them at Target, in the holiday promotional section with all their Valentines Day stuff. I used the 'squeeze method' to determine the coneheaded seeker Dirge, my most wanted, and decided to just try my luck on a second to see what I got. I ended up with the Constructicon Hook, which is pretty cool.

I didn't have it with me at the time, but as with the preview wave there is a code to decipher which Kreon is which. Check out the last two numbers of the code at the top back of the bag to figure out what you are getting:

22981 40 - Singe (Turbomaster Scorch)
22981 41 - Inferno
22981 42 - Autobot Springer
22981 43 - Warpath
22981 44 - Quickslinger (Slingshot)
22981 45 - Rampage
22981 46 - Insecticon
22981 47 - Blast Off
22981 48 - Decepticon Hook
22981 49 - Dirge
22981 50 - Airachnid
22981 51 - Decepticon Bludgeon

I'll post pics of the minifigures later (probably after I go back and try to get my last couple must-haves!), but for now I wanted to be sure everyone had their cheat sheets ready to go!


  1. Excellent! I'm going to run out and grab Airachnid in a couple hours. People have been spotting them in Walgreens since Christmas but I haven't found them yet

    1. Good luck! I had seen the empty display once before at Target, but this is the first time I spotted them myself.

  2. I saw these recently too but held off because I'm more of a G1 fan and don't know most of them. Some of them look cool and with that handy guide I can get just the ones I want! Thanks

    1. I only get G1 characters too, so having the guide is super handy.

  3. OMG! I am so thankful that you have this posted! I saw these a week ago and I picked the one marked 50 hoping it would be Arachnid, and I am guessing I picked right! Now I will open and find out later on! Oh I am so excited! You are the best.

    1. Glad to be of service! The list is right on for the two I got, so I'm sure you won't be disappointed when you open yours!

  4. Man, I still haven't seen the first wave.

    1. I have seen them consistently at Toys R Us since I found them back in September.

  5. I shall tell my buddy Freddy that these are out because he will want them.

  6. Replies
    1. They are pretty cool! And even though the 'alt' modes tend to be silly, you gotta give them credit for doing something unique!

  7. Looks like I know what ill be doing tomorrow.....
