

Catwoman Purrrsday :: AWESOME Tattoo!

To cleanse the palette after yesterday's gruesome Harley Quinn terrible tattoo, I decided Catwoman Purrrsday had better take a different route and show you, fair reader, a good tattoo:

Now THAT is a good looking Catwoman Tattoo! Simplistic, beautifully elegant, using an economy of line and color (only the green of the eyes to contrast the all black tattoo) and based on the art of Darwyn Cooke. Yeah, this tattoo is flippin' gorgeous! It was probably also done by a professional and cost accordingly, unlike yesterday's meth garage blind tattooist approach.


  1. Now we are talking Eric this Tat is much better than the last you showed.

  2. Wow that is a nice Tattoo. It's very retro and gorgeous.
