

Playmobil Fi?ures Series 5 REVEALED!

Playmobil Fi?ures Series 4 haven't even hit retail yet and Toy Fair 2013 has just revealed Fi?ures Series 5!

Pics courtesy AFi:

In the 'girls' sub-set we see:
Back Row: Fairy, Bicycleist, Princess, Indian
Middle Row: Violinist, Stylist, Mermaid, Tennis Pro
Front Row: Girl with soap-on-a-rope?!?! Princess, Robin Hoodess (Must have!) and American Indian

'Boys' sub-set includes:
Back Row: Viking, Knight, Samurai, Carpenter
Middle Row: Miner, Police SWAT Team member, Ninja, Superhero
Front Row: Astronaut, Cowboy, Snowboarder, and Spaceman

You can see Fi?ures Series 4 on the higher shelves behind Series 5 in Playmobil's Toy Fair display.

Fi?ures Series 4 are supposed to hit American retail outlets this month. No word yet on when Series 5 will hit, but you know we'll keep you posted!


  1. Cool Eric more goodies for the Toyriffic stash. : )

  2. Where are people even finding these now? The only place I've ever seen them is Five Below and they stopped carrying them.

    1. I find them at a local educational toy store and they tend to get them when they are released. Toys R Us near me just started selling Series 3, and I've even seen them at Target (near the front registers with the collectors cards etc.)

    2. Now that you say that there is one of the four Targets in my area where I've seen Series 3 but they only one or two on the pegs at a time.
      There is an educational toy store a few towns over. I'll have to check there too.

    3. I've seen that too - it makes me wonder if they keep all the rest in the back? I've not bothered to ask because I'm up to date on all I need but if I were after a Series 3 figure I'd ask someone to go look.

    4. And it's only ever the 'boys' ones. Never any girls.

  3. Say it ain't so! That mermaid looks so cool! The only thing I hate about these is that I can't find them anywhere. Series 3 just randomly showed up at a TRU by my house like a few weeks ago. These all look so cool though!

  4. This is not a "soap on a rope", this is a mp3 player!!! :-))

    And they're not yet available in Europe either (I live in France, where we can very easily find all Playmobil Fi?ures series and series 4 is still not available although they said it would come in February)

    1. Haha oh yeah, that does make way more sense, I just could not figure out what it could have been at first!

      Thanks :)

  5. The girl "with the soap on a rope" is an MP3.

  6. I wanted the mermaid since I saw her in the catalog, and it's cool to see that her hair is metallic. The Indian woman with the fruit basket is clever, due to the basket working like a hat. Something about the archer woman is odd, since she isn't quite medieval looking. The only boys' figure in this series that I want is the space alien/robot/villain. And I hate the cartoony Bieberesque figures in each series. Stop it, Playmobil!

  7. Hi again. Playmobil's Facebook lists these as out this month, but that's likely just Europe. The US catalog said they come out in August. "New! 08/13" Their Facebook has clear good quality photos of each Fi?ure.

    1. Yeah, in the US they are scheduled to be out in August. However my local Educational Toy Store only just got one single shipment of Series 4 last moth and haven't gotten another since. Local toys R Us stores (the only other local source for Playmobil) are only recently well stocked with Series 3! So I doubt I'll see Series 5 for a long while!

    2. That's what troubles me. At a Toys R Us, the sign above the Fi?ures showed figures from both series 4 and 5, but they only had series 2 and 3. Considering that series 4 is barely just out, series 5 will be out in October or September at best.
