

Toyfair 2013 reveals greatest Batman action figure in the history of forever.

That's right folks, I am officially endorsing this Adam West Batman with Surfboard (Bat-Surfboard? BatBoard?) and trunks as the greatest Batman action figure to ever happen ever for ever infinity.

Eat your heart out Silver Surfer!

Am I making myself clear on how awesome this thing is? the background is an in-scale (these are about 6" I believe) '66 Batmobile and even it is overshadowed by this action figure, even though it is also one of the greatest things I have ever seen in the toy world! THAT'S how awesome this action figure is.

Revealed at Toy Fair 2013 (pic via the Bat-Blog) I am going buy the hell out of this action figure when it's released some time in 2013. I will buy at least two - because one is going to the beach with me for a photoshoot. 

I can't wait!


  1. When I saw this figure I freaked out! I so want this one and the Surfing Joker.

  2. Oh my goodness a photoshoot to the beach would be awesome! I am really glad that Mattel is doing this line. I can't wait to see what they do with a Julie Newmar Catwoman. I never thought I'd see this day.

  3. If they were 3 inches I would be all over them.

  4. I wholeheartedly agree that this is the greatest action figure ever. Supposedly there are still a few more figures waiting to be revealed in this line, so I'm hoping for a surfing Joker, as well. If not, though, it should be easy to customize one from the regular Joker.

  5. As you know I am all over this and I probably need to buy two of everything in this line myself. I normally am a mint in box kind of guy, but I might just need to have a set to open. I definitely second this endorsement.

  6. That is one heck if a cool Batman. Love the shorts and board. Yes I too would take him to the beach. Surfs up!
