

Two Leatherheads are Better Than One

'And who you think you be, son, if'n I may be so bold to ask? Speak up! Wassamattah, boy, is your mouth glued shut?'

This feller here is the newest incarnation of the mutant Alligator Leatherhead. He's pretty neat, all things considered. I really like the character design, it makes for a nice all purpose mutant alligator.

That said, he lacks the personality of design that the original Leatherhead has. New Leatherhead could have used a leather motorcycle jacket or a hat or something to distinguish him a little further from a generic mutant gator.

He comes with no accessories, which is a disappointment considering how accessory laden most TMNT figures have been thus far. He really should have some sort of sewer related weaponry! As the character develops in the cartoon, it wouldn't surprise me if he gets more depth and that is carried through in his design - but for now, we get a mutated alligator just learning to make his way in the world.

He has ball swivel articulation in his hips and shoulders but that's it for his appendages - well, his tail rotates but that's not of much use. His head also rotates. Funny to think that the original Leatherhead action figure has more articulation - new Leatherhead could have used a hinged jaw!

Like with TMNT's previous release 'Dogpound' paint apps are a bit spartan. Which is ok since he's an alligator, but a better wash over his top/back would have been nice instead of the speckled white paint they did apply. He's smaller in scale than his cartoon appearance, but that doesn't bother me too much, although if Mattel can make a humongous Killer Croc for around the same price point, Playmates could have done a little better...

'Hey, shorty!'

'That boy ain't right, y'hear me? Sumpin bout im just gives me the willys. Hold on, I know what it is -  it be the lack o' pants!'

'Lissen here, boy, you needs to get y'self some trousers! T'aint right, goin' round with yer gatorbits in the breeze like 'at. People'll start talkin!'

'Okay okay, I'll cover my crockadoodle noodle. Hey tinjaws, think you could point me in the direction of the nearest Montgomery Wards?'

I do recommend Leatherhead for TMNT fans and for others who just like mutant alligators (and who doesn't? Communists, that's who!) He's a neat action figure for your display and of course a solid toy for kids to enjoy too, I gua-ron-tee!


  1. Lol. Nice review. Commies hate Tonka, and mutant cajun gators. Stupid commies.

  2. Nice! I wish the toy scale is bigger.

  3. I disagree because I am not a TMNT fan. I like the serious approach they are giving this line. Putting a hat on him and I would not want to buy him.

    1. He definitely does take a more serious approach than the original!

  4. I will be showing the one I picked up shortly Eric and I really like this figure a lot more than I thought I would. The Nick TMNT keep surprising me I tell you.

    1. I've really enjoyed all the ones I've picked up!

  5. I was just thinking that I might need to pick up that Killer Croc and use him as a TMNT villain. If I only have $10 to spend, which one would you recommend?
    Killer Croc or Leatherhead?

    1. If you are only going for one, I definitely recommend Killer Croc.

    2. Good to know. I picked up Killer Croc tonight, and he is pretty fun (although made of much softer plastic than I would have assumed. Also, I am definitely getting Leatherhead whenever I see him, but if you said Killer Croc I was going to take that as meaning I should give him a chance too.

    3. Well they are both great for sure, no sense in passing on Leatherhead! you'll like him!
