

Have a Batty Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to you or the Dad(s) in your life!

I'm writing this post early in the week, as I will be having fun with my kids and my Dad today, but I did get some early Father's Day toys and was able to photograph them for this post, so it's win-win for everyone!

First up, I got the Hero World Batwing!

This thing is massive and pretty darn cool - even though it's for a Fisher-Price kiddie line it's a pretty detailed and badass vehicle. It reminds me of the Whirly-Bat crossed with a VTOL Helicopter. The blades spin and rotate, a capture net shoots out from the back, the grips rotate up and down and the canopy opens. It's not gaudy or multi-colored or corny at all, it's actually pretty seriously designed. It makes noises and talks and such too, but not in too goofy a manner either; also, that feature can be turned off, which is always a plus!

The Mrs. found this at Target, on clearance, for under four bucks! I know I know, sounds like she cheaped out on Father's Day, but really, if anyone can appreciate a bargain, it's me. Also, the fact that she saw it for cheap AND bought it for me (even though it's huge and she's always complaining about my toys taking up too much space, me having too many toys etc etc etc) says a lot ;)

Unfortunately I do not own a Hero World Batman to drive this thing...yet.

Fortunately, she also found me a Hero World Joker on clearance for 96 cents!

And it doesn't even smell like R. Kelley's sheets!

I actually LOVE this Joker, and would have bought him long ago but I didn't want to start the insanity of getting into yet another Batman toyline (so much for 'best laid plans...')

What I love most about this Joker is his 'action feature...'

Just like with Mr. Sleaze from the Police Academy action figure line, when Joker raises his arms in defeat (via a wheel on his back) his tie pops up to reveal a hidden gun! BAM! Dead cop! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

As if that weren't enough, Joker also comes with a smiley pie...

...and pie launcher. Fun!

Well, that does it for my pre-Father's Day toys posted on Father's Day: Two awesome toys for less than five bucks! Who says being a Dad is a thankless job?


  1. Happy Fathers Day Eric! Congrats on the awesome new additions to your collection and your not the only one that hears it from his wife when it comes to his toy and with the same my wife is the first one to buy me a new toy too.

  2. Wow! Great score! I bet it would work for 3 inch figures too.

  3. Cool man. I was given a Holy Grail by my sons today! G1 Shockwave m.I.b.! Have a great time with your kids Eric.
