

Mixed Up Zoo Animals - The Complete Collection

If you're interested, the whole story on the Mixed Up Zoo Animals and my years long quest to 'catch them all', as well as tons of pictures of mine and others' figures, is all detailed over at my blog

I've had a full set of Mixed Up Zoo Animals aka MUZAs for a year or two now, but I've never photographed them all together. I like taking their picture with B'Wana Beast, since they are just the types of freakish creatures he'd create with his weird superpower!

I have one of each animal made, and I'm proud to have a few in package (a rare sight) - Kittiorse, Liolope and Kangaboar, as well as a tagged example: Ostraphant. I'm extremely proud of this collection, due in no small part to the fact that zero information on these toys existed on the internet before I took up my mad quest to track them all down.

And to think it was all thanks to this silly guy right here - the one that sparked my imagination over 30 years ago when I first encountered him and again about ten years ago when I took up the quest to find him again: The Rabbagator:

Sure, we all have our Lukes and He-Mans and Batmans in our collections, those toys that we had and played with and loved as a kid and re-acquired as adults; but I think we all have a 'Rabbagator' too - that one oddball unknown unlicensed non commercial toy we loved for who knows why but loved anyways, but have near zero information about as adults. Our 'Rosebuds.'

I was lucky enough to find mine, and to help others discover the coll madness that is MUZAs along the way.

Here's hoping you find yours someday too!


  1. I have never heard of these before. How unique!

  2. Looks like Bawana Beast is up to his old tricks again lol.
