

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

I've yet to give proper thanks where it's due to those who helped me put together the whole Playmates Nickelodeon team...

The only one I purchased on my own is Raphael - I received Mikey and Don from Shawn of Branded in the 80s as part of the Halloween exchange, and I received Leo from my Secret Santa as part of the Christmas toy bloggers exchange (and I don't know whom that was to thank specifically!)

Thanks guys!

These Turtles are of course excellent toys for both die-hard collectors and kids alike. But you've all read reviews of them a million times by now I'm sure, so here are some more pretty pictures.

I gave Don a staff from one of the original series action figures since his current one is a bit on the short side.


Michaelangelo! (or is it Michelangelo now?)

And of course my personal favorite, Raphael.

I'm glad I have all four brothers, and thanks again to you two out there who helped me get the 'band' together. Toy bloggers rock!


  1. Love them! And next month it's the next wave Eric so keep your eyes peeled for them.
