

Imaginext Skeletons, Orcs and Wizards, oh my!

Toyriffic reader Doug recently alerted me to a new Imaginext line-up, which includes Skeleton Warriors, Wizards and Orcs!

Doug had found this cool Skeleton Warrior and Horse. Apparently the larger castles in this line-up, like the Wizard's Tower shown below, include black light effects (as seen previously in the Bane Gotham City Jail Escape set) and figures like the Skeleton Warrior and his horse will glow under the black light. Cool!

Also included in this release will be the following Orc, which appears to be an oversized figure ala Clayface:

I've always loved the concept of oversized figures in action figure lines. Especially when they are 'giant', but similarly proportioned to the standard figures of the line.

Every toy line needs a giant or two!

In digging into this new line, which should already be hitting stores (if your local stores aren't stingy about putting out new product like mine are!) I also discovered some new Skeleton Pirate figures, including the following Skeleton Crew set:

I just love those little Shark costumes! I might have to pick this set up when I see it!

Has anyone else found these new sets at retail yet?


  1. I haven't seen these yet Eric I will have to keep my eyes out now.

  2. There are so many cool fantasy themed ImagiNext figures that I have to fore myself to pass on. That tower would be cool backdrop for some Lego minifigs though!

  3. I just found the Orc & Skeleton w/Skeletal Horse at Target yesterday. That was the first time I have seen them, maybe my area is just slow to get new releases? Haven't even seen those skeletal pirates yet either.

    1. Imaginext seem to get released then re-released again over large periods of time. Which is good, because missing them the first time around doesn't mean you will never see them on shelves again!
