

Eyes of the Dragon :: Countdown to Halloween 2013

I have yet to read this one, but I look forward to getting into it soon (once I finally finish the Dark Tower Book 8, which I have decided to just get from the library after all.) Written for his then 13 year old daughter, The Eyes of the Dragon was first published in 1987. More of a fairy tale than a horror story (at least as far as I understand, having not yet read it) I believe the story does have some connection to the world of The Dark Tower.

I think I paid three bucks for this at the goodwill, because it's a hardcover.

That's all I have to say about the book, since I haven't read it, except maybe 'Yay dragons!' because dragons are pretty nifty.


  1. This is definitely one of the best Stephen King books. It's so much fun and so different from his typical writing. You'll love it, especially after reading through the Dark Tower. Lots of connections there.

  2. This Story introduced us to Mr. King's Villain "Flagg"... Great book that we read over 20 years ago....

  3. Yeah... there are some pretty heavy connections between this and the Dark Tower series. Excellent read on its own though. It would be a nice piece all alone even if you had no knowledge of the series at all.
