

Imaginext Blind Bagged Series 2 NOW WITH CODES!

UPDATE: Reader 'Zero-Seven-Thirteen' has commented with the following codes for Imaginext Blind Bagged Series 2:

24 - Glider Suit
25 - Caveman
26 - "Bigfoot"
27 - Steampunk Dude
28 - Jungle Explorer
29 - Cowboy
30 - Artic Explorer
31 - Frankenstien's

UPDATE #2: Reader Aleksandur found them on the West Coast and these are the codes he discovered:

25 - Caveman
26 - Artic Explorer
27 - Cowboy
28 - Frankenstien's Monster
29 - Jungle Explorer
30 - Steampunk Dude
31 - "Bigfoot"
32 - Glider Suit

Looks like there may be some different codes out there. I recommend you squeeze them to be sure!

I still have not seen these at retail, but people are finding them, so good luck and happy hunting!

Action Figure Insider recently got their hands on images of Fisher-Price's Imaginext Blind Bagged Series 2!

Let's take a look at the eight new characters in this wave, due out...soon?

Arctic Explorer. This guy reminds me of the skiing GI Joe guy,,,was his name Snow Job?

A guy dressed as Bigfoot. Not to be confused with the real Bigfoot!

Captainnn...oops, I mean...Caveman!

A Cowboy, who is apparently borrowing Wonder Woman's lasso of truth.

Frankenstein's Monster. This guy is worth having for that electrocution helmet/backpack alone!

Glider suit guy. Neat idea and execution on this one!

Jungle explorer? Crocodile Dundee? Steve Irwin? I love the snake wrapped up to his hat.

And finally, a Steampunk dude! I love this one and if I only get one of this wave it will be him!

Stay tuned to Action Figures Insider and here at Toyriffic for more news on Imaginext Blind Bagged Series 2!


  1. Must- resist- all Imaginext other than Batman characters. Must....resist......

  2. I just might get that Frankenstein's Monster.

    1. Now that i have the codes maybe I can find one for ya John! I want Franky too, he's awesome.

  3. That jungle explorer almost looks like Thundarr the Barbarian!

  4. WOW!!!!! Cant wait to get these. Thanks for sharing!

  5. When available? ?

    1. I expect they will be hitting retail any day now!

  6. Any luck finding them?

  7. Found them tonight
    the codes are as follows
    24 - Glider Suit
    25 - Caveman
    26 - "Bigfoot"
    27 - Steampunk Dude
    28 - Jungle Explorer
    29 - Cowboy
    30 - Artic Explorer
    31 - Frankenstien's Monster

    Signed: Zero-Seven-Thirteen

  8. Where did you find them?

  9. Meijers


  10. I just bought the full set and found a different coding scheme than the one found here.

    25 - Caveman
    26 - Artic Explorer
    27 - Cowboy
    28 - Frankenstien's Monster
    29 - Jungle Explorer
    30 - Steampunk Dude
    31 - "Bigfoot"
    32 - Glider Suit

    I live on the west coast. not sure if there's a difference due to geographical regions or not.


    1. I live on the east coast and I found the same codes that you had.

  11. I picked up a four of them today. I found the same coding scheme that Aleksandur had (post from April 2). I live on the east coast.

  12. I live in San Antonio, TX, picked these up at Wal-Mart. Here they go by the numbers in the update. 32 - Glider Suit, 31- Bigfoot, etc.

  13. I have done some research since my last post and have discovered that they changede the code order around after the inital batch. This means Alexsanders list is the final one.

    25 - Caveman
    26 - Artic Explorer
    27 - Cowboy
    28 - Frankenstien's Monster
    29 - Jungle Explorer
    30 - Steampunk Dude
    31 - "Bigfoot"
    32 - Glider Suit

    Thanks for all your support. ANd I will continue to search for great toy finds


    1. This is way late, but I found some left over series 2 at a Family Dollar store. Thank you for the codes!

  14. Did you end up finding any of these guys Eric? I never thought I'd be at all interested in Imaginex figs, but the Franky is pretty tight!

  15. I think I saw them maybe twice, but did not pick any up.

    1. Now that I have the codes I can go back and get some. If there's a Steam Punk Gentelman I will get him for you. Any others you have your heart set on? I'll can pick 'em up for ya.

    2. Bigfoot and Steampunk are the only two I'd say I couldn't live without!

    3. K, I'll see if they have those two and I'll grab Franky.

    4. Sure thing! Question though, I'm back at the store and they all have the same barcode. Where are the codes located? Did they get rid of them???

    5. If I remember, the codes are imprinted on the bag in one of the corners, it's not on the barcode area. It's not printed in ink, but embossed into the bag.

    6. I was at the store on my lunch break, so I will return and use the feel technique. I noticed each package has a small hole on each side, so I will use what I like to call "the peek technique".

    7. Yeah, the codes are embossed on the back upper left corner, I believe. They aren't printed, so you have to look closely, but once you see them you can't miss them. Good luck!

    8. I totally see it now! It's easy to miss if you don't know where to look. I'll check the codes tomorrow and hopefully bring home Steampunk Guy and Sasquatch.
