

'The Homer' by Hot Wheels - 'The Car Built For Homer'

I finally tracked down one of the most anticipated Hot Wheels of all time: The Homer!

New for 2014, The Homer represents the vehicle Homer Simpson designed for his half-brother's Powell Motors. The Homer is car 89/250 in the HW CITY line-up for 2014.

The Homer was not only expensive (booking out at a whopping $82,000), but obviously gawd-awful, and it bankrupted Powell Motors.

Although, as a parent, you do have to admire the kid-pod in the back. I want one of those!

Okay Hot Wheels, you have raised the bar. I never would have expected in a million years that you would have made The Homer. But now that you have, I demand a Family Truckster and a Last of the Interceptors!


  1. I will have to let my buddy Chad know that these are out because he is interest in getting one.

  2. I'm still looking for this. Jealous!
