

Ben Affleck's Batman Costume Finally Revealed!!!!

SPOILER WARNING! It appears Warner Brothers was planning on releasing images of the Ben Affleck batsuit this week to help kick off the festivities that mark the 75th anniversary of Detective Comics #27 hitting the newsstands. Warner Brothers will reveal the Batman suit Ben Affleck will be wearing in the upcoming Man of Steel sequel officially, but images have already leaked online (as these things have the tendency to do.) So if you do not want it spoiled and/or do NOT want to see it in all it's Bat-Glory before the official announcement, don't scroll past this picture of Mr. Affleck in what I can only assume is his Bruce Wayne suit...

Ok, Batfans - here goes...





















Nanananananana Bat-Man!

Happy April Fools Day!


  1. ....slow handclap.....

  2. Ah Eric, you're getting old in your predictable age. :-p

  3. Seriously? Again with nipples on the Batman costume?

  4. lol!!! This was so funny! But really, where are the leaked images?

    (lol j/k)

  5. ...and here we are thinking that Ben can't play the role.
