

LEGO Simpsons minifigures are hitting stores NOW!

'Aww, this stupid show is on again?!?'
Thanks to a tip from Dan at The Toy Museum, I was able to find the latest LEGO The Simpsons minifigure series at a local Walgreens.

There were only about eight or ten packs laying alone on a shelf. I presume Walgreens stores are just getting a smattering of these sent in to begin with. I was in a hurry, so I used the 'squeeze method' and properly identified Bart Simpson via his skateboard wheels...

...and Homer Simpson via his cylindrical cranium.

As I said - I was in a hurry. So while I REALLY wanted to find Itchy and Scratchy, in my haste what I hoped was Scratchy turned out to be Lisa Simpson...
'You thought you were getting Itchy. HA HA!'
...and what I thought was Itchy turned out to be Nelson Muntz.

I'm not disappointed, mind you. I just like to get the 'must-haves' out of the way as soon as possible. But I'll keep hunting for Itchy and Scratchy, and Marge and Maggie, and maybe some others. Maybe all of them!

Now get out there and start canvasing your local Walgreens stores...and good luck!