

Ben Affleck Batman REVEALED!

I know you've probably all seen this about fifty times already today, but I would be remiss if I were not to post it (along with my feelings) here on Toyriffic.

Ben Affleck in the Batman costume from the upcoming Man of Steel sequel/Justice League prequel/World's Finest movie!

My thoughts? WOW! That's one badass looking Batman! It's just a greyscale image, so we don't even know if there will there be shades of grey (or blue), but the costume looks closer to a costume (and not body armor) than we have ever seen in real life (well, at least since Adam West)...and boy wonder does it work!

The Batmobile looks to be a cross between the Tumbler and the '89 Batmobile - and also seems to share some similarities with the Batmobile from the upcoming Arkham Knight video game.

Okay, so what do YOU think?


  1. I am beyond pleased/re-leaved. I would say the cowl also reminds of what is known as the "Hush" version and I completely agree on the Batmobile being a cross between the '89 and Tumbler versions. I'm hoping for a glimpse of Wonder Woman next.

  2. The Batman looks like an Arkham City version. I hope it is good. I didn't see the Superman one.

  3. My thoughts? WOW! That's one badass looking Batman! It's just a greyscale image, so we don't even know if there will there be shades of grey (or blue), but the costume looks closer to a costume (and not body armor) than we have ever seen in real life (well, at least since Adam West)...and boy wonder does it work!

    Meh. It's basically an over-textured Schumacher Batsuit minus the nipples. Give me the armor any day.
