

More Than Meets the Eye Week :: Decepticon Clone Pounce

I had to turn to Twitter to identify this G1 Transformer. I knew he was a twin of some sort, but couldn't get a bead on him. Turns out he's a Decepticon 'Clone' named Pounce.

The schtick was that you got two Decepticons who looked identical in robot mode, but transformed into completely different alt modes. Pounce turns into an immaciated dog or coyote or wolf or something.

He looks vastly better in robot mode. I forgot to turn out his hands though. But he's in pretty good shape considering his lack of his twin and that he only cost me a quarter.

Pounce has two rub signs - one reveals that he is a Decepticon, and the other reveals that he is the wolf version of the pair. his Clone counterpart turns into a bird.

And  to think, people like to make fun of Gobots!

Tune in tomorrow for more More Than Meets the Eye Week!


  1. How dare they make fun of Go-Bots! Lol.

    1. Seriously! Unless they hate transforming robots in general, people who make fun/outright hate on GoBots are grossly uneducated on the subtleties of both lines (GoBots and Transformers.) Both had sufficient hits (and sufficient misfires) to be both awesome AND crap!

      I'll let the viewer decide which end of the spectrum old Pounce here falls into ;)

  2. I happen to like both as toys. Where I dislike Go Bots is the show IMO. But Machine Robo, the Japanese show, not bad.

    1. As toys, both were amazing on so many fronts! But also: each had their stinkers!

    2. Agreed and Pounce here is definitely one of them!
