

Harley Qwednesday :: Arkham Knight Harley Quinn Cosplay

Get an eye-full of this Arkham Knight inspired Harley Quinn cosplay by Aridyabolika on deviantArt.

Images of Harley Quinn in the forthcoming Arkham Knight video game hasn't been around for long, but it's no surprise that it is already inspiring some great looking cosplay.

The off kilter police hat really adds a playful flair to this latest characterization of Harley Quinn, and has clearly inspired the cosplayer Arydiabolika in these pics from her deviantArt page.

No officer, I did not see that 'Stop' sign back there.

Smile for the security camera!

Harley Quinn isn't just an American phenomenon either: Cosplayer Arianna Contreras (Aridyabolika on deviantArt.) is from Italy!
Molto bello!

Does this count as police brutality?

Great Arkham Knight Harley Quinn cosplay, Arianna! You really made our Harley Qwednesday!

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