

Imaginext Blind Bagged Series 3 WITH CODES!

Toyriffic reader Aleksandur contacted me last week to let me know he found the Imaginext Series 3 Blind Bagged figures at a Target in Pasadena California, had bought the whole wave, and had cracked the code (so you don't have to!)

On the back left top of the packages, there is a number embossed in the packaging. Catch the light just right and you can read it to see what you will get without having to resort to the oh-so-embarrassing 'squeeze method'!

   34 - Gill-Man/Creature from the Black Lagoon
   35 - Zombie
   36 - Guy with fur hat and swords(Cossack?)
   37 - Skateboarder
   38 - Punk Rock Guitarist
   39 - Vampire/Dracula
   40 - Hazmat Suit Guy/Walter White
   41 - Bomb Squad Guy

 Aleksandur also sent along these pics!

Before I was able to make this post, I found the wave at Target while out shopping with my sister and nephew. Thanks to Aleksandur's codes, my nephew and I were able to find just what we wanted. Thanks to my sister, I didn't even need to pay for them! Sometimes having an older sister has it's advantages.

Below are the ones I grabbed:

Bomb Technician ala 'Hurt Locker.' What a crazy figure! Imaginext pretty much steers clear of military themes, and while this guy could be working for the police department, his green costume is far more military looking than policeman blue. This guy comes with a robot for dis-arming bombs, and it even pops into a peg on his back, making him top heavy but a neat feature for carrying his robot around when not in use.

 My next 'must have' was this figure clearly inspired by the Creature from the Black Lagoon. His helmet even has modled 'bubbles' so it appears his dome is full of water! Brilliant!

 Without his helmet he is a pretty fair representation of The Creature, without crossing any copyright lines.


Probably the craziest figure in the history of Imaginext is this guy in Hazmat suit who is undeniably inspired by...

MethMaster Walter White from 'Breaking Bad.' An incredibly inappropriate character for a line aimed at kids aged 3 to 8, which means it's exactly the kind of thing I had to own!

And speaking of things inappropriate for pre-schoolers...

There was some speculation as to why a zombie would wear a one-eye-hole sack over his head and carry a weed-whacker. Then someone over at AFI pointed out that in the Friday the 13th film series, Jason Vorhees not only wore a single-eye-hole sack over his head before his Stanley Cup fandom began, but he also used a weed-whacker at one point to kill some hapless victim who shouldn't have 'gone in there' in the first place.

Without the sack...well, it's a zombie. Which is incredibly cool. But the Friday the 13th inspirations push him right over the top!

This stuff is insane! I hope the Imaginext designers continue to push the limits as the blind bagged series continues!


  1. Ah man I really want 3 of those guys! Ill probably never get them but I want them.

    1. What ones are you after? I'd be glad to keep my eyes peeled for ya!

    2. I like the Gill Man, Walter White, and the zombie. I never see these things in the cornfields around here :/

    3. I'll keep my eye open as well. I recently spotted a series 3 display at my local Fred Meyer. I'll check the codes and see what they have.

  2. Series THREE Is out already? Crap, I haven't even had Series 2 here yet!

    1. I think I only saw Series 2 once. Fortunately I wasn't to interested in any of them. Sure, I could still go for a Bigfoot, but none were as mind blowing as the ones I grabbed in this wave.

    2. Me either. My Targets still have Series 1 boxes and usually with only a handful in them.

  3. Ooh..I need to keep my eyes open for these guys. I need to get that Zombie/Jason mashup.

  4. Also, when I look at the Creature, I'm reminded of the version from The Monster Squad. I'm not sure why that it is.

    1. I wouldn't be surprised if that version of the monster served as inspiration along with the original Creature.

  5. These little figures keep getting better and better Eric and that bomb tech could be Kal from the Cave of Cool lol.

    1. Hahaha I do see the resemblance!

    2. Hahaha... That's awesome. I see it, too!

      They should repackage it with the cat from the Catwoman figure, a few random cosplay females, and a cool little house. I think he'd approve!

  6. I love how you make toy collecting a family affair!The Creature from the black lagoon ftw!

  7. By the way, Eric: I've totally given into to Imaginext now! I've had a good number of the Batman figs for awhile but after reading this article I decided to jump in on these guys,too. I haven't found series 3 yet but I managed to pick up all of one in an auction for cost and everyone from two except Frankenstein from my local Wal-Mart. Now the hunt begins....

    1. Nice! They can be irresistible!

    2. Oh yes, they definitely are. I joined the Fisher Price idea site also so that I could upvote all of the great sets some of you guys are recommending on there. These things are great toys and I can't wait until my little Adora is old enough to play along with them (she's just getting the hang of Little People so we've got some time).

    3. My oldest daughter had some of the Batman figures early on, unfortunately the girl figures didn't start coming out until after she had outgrown interest. My youngest daughter and I now play with a lot of these together, and she's still got a lot of years before she ages out. I imagine she will benefit from a lot of the ideas over at Fisher-Price's idea site. It's pretty great to share the love of great action figures!

  8. Wonderful! Just found some Series Two here actually...

  9. Holy crap, these are insanely awesome! I must have the monsters! I'm glad i recently found series 2 so i can snag me Frankenstein's Monster.

  10. OMG!!!! This Jason killer figure is amazing!!!!!
    Please please please… release them in Canada….

  11. We have a few of these that I picked up for my daughter. I made sure we had at least two gillmen to take on Aquaman! We also have Dracula who is her FAVORITE figure--and one of her top 3 toys right now. We call him undead mariachi for reasons I believe are obvious.

    1. Gill-Man is great. I never did pick up a Dracula, I should see if I can track him down still!

  12. Been looking for Series 3 Punk Rocker #38 for my grandson. No luck finding it in stores. Any ideas?

    1. I wish I hadn't passed on that one myself back when these were at retail. Now your best bet is to find it second hand or on eBay.
