

2014 San Diego Comic Con :: Cosplay Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of the Cosplay of San Diego Comic Con 2014! While nowhere near a comprehensive look at all the great cosplay I saw, I did get some great shots. Click HERE to see Part 1.

Now on with the show:

Superman and Plastic-Man. Nailed it!

Weapon X Wolverine. I saw this guy from far away and snapped the pic, but never saw him up close.

Steampunk Wonder Woman and Steampunk Rule 63 Mad Hatter.

Two Zatannas. Elbuod ruoy erusaelp, elbuod ruoy nuf!

Red Hood.

Rule 63 Steampunk Riddler.

Rule 63 Data. She makes me feel ways I should not feel about Data.

Rule 63 JSA Flash. I love the hair!

Rule 63 Grifter, Nightwing and Robin.

Rule 63 Shredder. She-redder?


And finally, She-Ra!

Well, that's it for the cosplay shots I was able to get.As always, if any of these are you and you want link/credit, or if you know who anyone here is, leave a comment!


  1. It certainly looks like you had a good time Eric. I'm hoping I can make it to either NYCC or SDCC sometime in the near future.

  2. Thanks...Now I have Plasticmans junk forever emblazon on my psyche :/

  3. Oh my you were in SDCC 2014?!

    1. How did you got the ticket? I was thinking to go to SDCC in my lifetime...but getting the ticket from oversea is really hard...

    2. I did a work trade for the ticket - I created some illustrations for a documentary - I will share more details later (hesitant to say too much about it because you know how things can go in the editing room!) And I was able to stay with the in-laws who live in San Diego, so I didn't have to worry about a hotel either!

  4. Red Hood and Shredder-ette or Shredrina for the win!

  5. Do u know this plastic mans cosplayer instagram?
