

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Warduke Action Figure by LJN.

I finally own a Warduke action figure!

He has a little wear but is in pretty good condition. And he only cost me a dollar! To top it off, I used to have his sword, which I got along with some random toy find. I need to dig into my stuff and see if I still have it.

After a little research, I discovered this version is the 'Battle-Matic' Warduke, because he has a lever on his back that makes his sword arm go up and down. Keen!

Probably the most iconic action figure of the entire 1980s LJN AD&D toyline, Warduke somehow evaded my grasp back when he was originally available.

I wasn't into Dungeons and Dragons at the time (I'm still not) but I did own a couple of the toys: namely the Fire Elemental and Bullywugs of the Bog. I was also into the Dragonriders of the Styx action figure line, and had the Wizard and Dragonman. So why didn't I ever get my hands on Warduke?

My only guess is that I never saw him on the rack, because if I had I would have grabbed him in a nano-second!

Warduke is pretty much the perfect Medieval Fantasy/Sci-fi amalgam that permeated toy store shelves in the early eighties. The mysterious glowing red eyes, the dragon-winged helm, the mix of equal parts barbarian and knight. What's not to love?

My intern also says he is a loving and attentive Manny!

"I'm so embarraaaAAAH DID YOU JUST PEE ON WARDUKE?!?! Sigh. Let's go get a nappy for your widdle bumcheeks."


  1. Nice score! Man this takes me back. I have never been into D&D, but I did have Strongheart (the version with the action feature) and Zarak (not sure if he had an action feature version, mine didn't have one). I don't even think I knew these figures were from Dungeons and Dragons, I just liked the fantasy element of them.
    I still have Zarak in a box, and I'll probably never get rid of him because he was a present from my aunt before she passed away.
    I also remember Dragon riders, and the only one I had, really the only one I wanted, was the black knight. I loved that figure, and lost him in the back of a lady's car when I thought I was shoving him between two back seats (I think he was being swallowed by the earth), but instead was putting him in the seat. Nobody could fish him out and he was gone.

    1. Great memories, Clark. I remember wanting the Black Knight too!

  2. I had him too. I had all the first series and most of the rubber guys.

  3. I remember the cartoon, but for some reason I can't remember ever seeing the action figures in stores. I even had a couple of the bendy rubber monsters, though I have no idea where they came from. Warduke is definitely the coolest out of all the action figures. I have to wonder what happened to the rest of his armor though..

    1. Warduke only needs half his body armored! Full protection is for sissies.

  4. Iv never ran across the version of him with the lever on the back. he must be rarer then the normal version.

    1. I don't think I've ever run across either before, so in my experience this one is more common lol!

  5. Who was the knight with the mustache,Strongheart?Anyways I had him but never found any other figures from from the line.I also had the big Lion-headed Dragon hybrid and he was awesome!

    1. Yeah, that's Strongheat. I have him around here somewhere I believe - Reis gave him to me years ago. I need to see if I can find him!

  6. Probably my favorite non-Star Wars figure from the time. I remember painting his sword with metallic silver paint and then splashing some red on it :)

  7. One of my all time favourite action figure. Sadly lost the one I had as a kid, but found two of them at the flea market a few years ago.
