

FX-7 Medical Droid

Can we say 'scraping the bottom of the barrel'?

Listen, I loved Star Wars as a kid. LOVED it. I had tons of action figures, vehicles and playsets.

I still love Star Wars. Even after the knee-capping the prequels gave us, I admit I am as giddy as a school-girl for the upcoming Episode 7. Luke Skywalker with a beard? SQUEE!

But what the hell is this? Seriously? Please, if you were a kid during the OT and you got this RX-7 Medical Droid for a present, or (impossible to believe) pulled this nugget off the shelves and told your mom you wanted it...please comment and enlighten me. Because...WTF?!?!

Trust me, this is an action figure you will never find with 'play wear.' Because how the hell did you play with this thing?

Seriously. I'm no Star Wars wannabe. I know my stuff. I know my OT Star Wars. I know toys. But I had to look up the name of this guy for this post.

I did not know it.

Not only that, but I could not tell you where tyhis end table shows up in the films.

If I had to guess, I'd say the Bacta Tank scene, but that's just a guess based on the fact that he is called a Medical Droid (a fact I needed the internet to enlighten me of). If I didn't know his name, I might think he showed up in the Jawa scenes. Because those scenes were full of junky cobbled together nobody droids.

Regardless: who cares? He's a lamp with a shit-ton of arms. LAME!

Oh damn, his head pops up. I take back everything I said.


  1. I distinctly remember chewing the s#!t out of his arms.

    1. A chew toy? Hmm, well at least you found a use for him! ;)

  2. Replies
    1. Did you ever play with him or was he just background fodder?

  3. Had him too. When my figures got shot he was there to take care of them. It is a hole in my collection that I do not have yet.

    1. He's probably relatively easy to come by in good condition, since he wasn't generally used by kids for heavy play!

  4. My older brother had him simply because he had EVERY SINGLE FIGURE from all three movies. I actually played with him because my bro didn't like him much, and I made up a whole back story for who he was and why he was so awesome.

    Don't remember what I called him though.

    1. I like hearing of the creativity of people in playing with this guy. It's what I would have done had I had him!

  5. I had this as a kid, and I liked it a lot. But I loved robots back then, and I had pretty much all of the Star Wars robot figures, as well as the Droid Factory. I never really played with him as a "medical droid," though. I usually pretended that he was an evil criminal robot that was not aligned with either the Rebels or the Empire. Sometimes he would pose as a "good" robot, but he would always end up betraying the heroes, and try to steal the Millennium Falcon or something.

    1. Hahaha he's so unassuming, I can see the heroes falling for that.

  6. This is the kind of figure I loved as a kid! Everyone had the main characters and tons of Stormtroopers. I gravitated toward the minor, background characters. Lobot and Hammerhead were two more favorites.
    I'm pretty sure my FX-7 was used as an Imperial torture droid because look at those arms. That thing does not look friendly, never mind medical.
