

Launchpad McQuack - WooOOOoo!

Launchpad McQuack - the action figure!

Launchpad was released as part of the short-lived Darkwing Duck action figure toyline and manufactured by the same company that brought the world the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Playmates Toys.

A solid action figure to be sure, but the Darkwing Duck line doesn't come close to the original TMNT toys in level of detail. I imagine that is due in large part to the owner of the characters - Disney - wanting them to stay as true to their cartoon appearances as possible. Still, Launchpad's pose could have been a bit more dynamic.

That said, there is no mistaking that profile. This IS Launchpad McQuack! As a fan of Ducktales first and only marginally of Darkwing Duck, I couldn't be happier to have added Launchpad to my meager collection of what is now a whopping three 'Darkwing Duck' action figures!

And getting him for fifty cents? Priceless!

Well, not exactly priceless...I mean fifty cents isn't 'nothing', but it's pretty darn close!

Like all toys in the Darkwing Duck action figure line, Mr. McQuack does have a silly action feature. You spin this wheel on his back and his head spins 'round and 'round.

Ummm...just like in the cartoon?

I guess so, maybe after a crash or something. Whatever, at least it's unobtrusive and not terribly obnoxious. Unlike Launchpad himself. ZING!

DuckTales - WooOOOooo!


  1. Launchpad is my least favorite of the entire line but even at that he's not a bad figure. I have a few extras to this line if you are trying to complete the set.

    1. I've never considered completing the line but maybe we can work out a deal or something - let me know what you've got!

  2. Would love to score a complete Darkwing Duck figure sometime but never run across any of these in wild ever!

    1. I picked up my Darkwing MOC a few years back because I knew that if he ever did appear he'd be missing his hat and cape - two very important components to his costume! There's no point in owning him without them.

      That said, I got him for cheap and I am sure he's still pretty cheap.

    2. I still don't even understand why they made them removable. What's the point? Who wants to take OFF D.W.'S HAT???

    3. I can ALMOST understand it had it been your basic hat, but the gaping hole in DW's head due to the action feature made it even more stupid of a feature! A hatless (and lobotomized) DW - hours of fun!

  3. Love the Darkwing Duck series, but never got why Launchpad was a part of it. I love Duck Tales too, and I liked Launchpad in that, but I never felt like he fit in the Darkwing show. I mean, I guess I sort of got how it was an homage or callback to Shrevvy in the Shadow... but it never seemed to fit quite right with my idea for what the show could be.

    The action feature with the spinning head makes absolutely no sense to me either. I thought I remembered there being some sort of action feature tied in with one of the vehicles, but I was mistaken. I guess its just his goofy sidekick feature.

    1. I always saw it as one of those overused sitcom tropes - the one where a spinoff series has a bit player from the series it spun off from in order to connect it to the more well known and successful sitcom...but I can't think of an example off the top of my head, except maybe Worf being on DS 9.
