

Trick or Treat! It's Halloween! Halloween Countdown 2014

Happy Halloween!

We've reached the end of another Countdown to Halloween, and as your treat for sticking with me this whole month (and hopefully for many more months to follow) here are a bunch of happy Halloweenys with faces designed by my intern:

"Is that a bolt in my neck or am I just happy to see you?"

"Boo? No. Bow!"

"Like, meow, man."

"Go ask daddy. Get it? Because I am...mummy!"

"Blrblrblrblrbbb! Also: a bow."

"Pftthttpfhtttt! Wicked witch? more like the lick-ed witch! HAW HAW HAW"

These silly Halloween decorations came from the dollar store. My intern added their faces with included sticker packs. A really fun little Halloween activity indeed!

Happy Halloween!

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