

Imaginext and Playmobil: Two Great Tastes That Taste Great Together.

If you are a fan of Imaginext and a fan of Playmobil you may have discovered that some of the figures and accessories are compatible. It is particularly fun to match Imaginext figures with Playmobil accessories, as Playmobil makes some very serious, real-world weapons and accessories:

Killer Croc is definitely the Bowie Knife type.

And what is Scarecrow without a crow?

I picked this guy up from the flea market a couple weeks ago. I know he comes from one of the knight themed sets, but I don't know if he has an official name. He is certainly inspired by Masters of the Universe - he reminds me a lot of the Snake Men, and he even has fur shorts over his brown pants. Anyways, I gave him a battle-axe and a viking shield that resembled his slithery mug.

You can also see Penguin in the background, who has a laser gun of some sort.

And finally Gill Man or The Creature from the Black Lagoon - I gave him a Playmobil trident, which looks a bit more serious and realistic than the one he came with.

These pics were taken while my intern and I played with some of our Playmobil and Imaginext figures. At first it was Monsters vs. Superheroes and Princesses, but eventually everyone decided to just be friends.


  1. Killer Croc-odile Dundee! Ha! I kill myself..

    1. My sub-conscious must have been working on me when I gave the (now THAT'S a) knife to KC!

  2. Oh nice, I didn't know you could mix the 2!

    I also recently discovered that LEGO weapons fit nicely into Battle Beasts' hands!

    1. Good to know! I find Battle Beasts occasionally on my toy hunts, but they never have their weapons.

  3. Friendship is Magic!! :D :D :D :D

  4. Great tip. Thanks for sharing... Been trying to up accessorise my son's imaginext without success as Mattel 's parts department don't ship to the uk.
    This ill open up a few doors for sure!
