

Toy Bloggers United Contest :: WIN SOME TOYS, YO!

Do I have your attention yet?

That's right - you can win some toys! A whole mystery pack of toys, to be precise but still vague.

A mysterious but (hopefully) amazing prize package has been culminated from donations from the following Toy and Pop Culture Bloggers: Cool and Collected, The Harvey Mercheum, The Toy Box, Action Figure Barbecue and myself here at Toyriffic.

But you don't care who contributed the toys (as long as we washed our hands first) - you only care about how to win them, right?


So do this: Leave a comment at The Toy Box contest page with your real or online moniker. That's it! The contest runs today, Feb 23rd, 2015 through 11:59 pm on Sunday, March 1, 2015. One entry per person por favor. To claim your prize just check out any of the participants on March 4th after 2pm. If you are the lucky winner and your name is announced, simply contact The Toy Box at

Once announced, you'll have 24 hours to claim your prize. So hop to it - if you pussyfoot around we'll have to pick someone else. They'll have 24 hours to respond and on and on etc etc ad infinitum. Oh, and sorry to all you non Yankees, but the contest is only open to residents of the United States due to the shipping costs of this giant (you wish!) box of swag.

So hop on over to leave your name or nom du 'net at The Toy Box, and check out all of the cool cats who hopefully washed their hands before touching the toys they contributed to the contest:

Cool and Collected 
The Harvey Mercheum 
The Toy Box 
Action Figure Barbecue.


  1. I can't speak for anyone else, but I washed my hands.

  2. I used a bit of Germ-x before hand, too.

  3. Once again, despite my cred, I can't get a break being a dirty Canadian. But you are right to exclude me. The French and English writing on my contribution could be seen as subversive.
