

Harley Qwednesday :: Harley Quinn Cosplay by Kinju

Toyriffic reader 'Kinju' just sent me some wonderful pics and video links of her Harley Quinn cosplay (and a couple of her boyfriend as The Joker too!) so today we devote Harley Qwednesday to her!

Kinju says "My boyfriend knew absolutely nothing about Batman until we started dating last year and he really enjoyed the character as much as I enjoy being Harley!"

I'm glad you were able to educate the poor man, Kinju! His life is definitely more complete now that he knows about Batman!

"I choreographed a parody skit to "Do you wanna kill the Batman" during AnimeUSA 2014..."

"... and we won best in show! I sang the song and choreographed the steps for a broadway-esq look!"

"My one photographer also made a short for us!"

"Cosplay has been my life since 2005! I hand made both costumes and am very super proud of what they turned into!"

"I've been cosplaying Harley since Katsucon 2014! It only turned into something very special and more entertaining than I thought it would be!"

"She's a bundle of joy and I love making kids laugh and smile at my silliness during cons!"

Thanks a ton for the awesome pics and videos, Kinju!

See more of Kinju and her boyfriend at their RachniQueen Cosplay and  Legacy Cosplay Facebook pages!

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